So I just saw Tron Legacy. It was enjoyable, that's all I'll say for now, but what really got me was how much I was attracted to the lead girl, Quorra, played by Olivia Wilde.

Now, she is obviously beautiful in a hollywood sort of way, like all leading ladies, but really, it was the character that I was attracted to in every way, not the actress. To prove it to myself, I looked up Olivia Wilde, and compared her IMDB photos with the Tron Legacy ones. Completely different person. Obviously she is not a computer program that wears a tightly fit light-up suit, and yeah the hair and make-up are a bit crazy in the movie (though just a bit), but the key difference is that I don't know a single thing about Olivia Wilde. I don't know how she acts, what kind of body language or facial expressions she uses frequently, how she laughs, if she says things like "like" and "kinda" all the time, if she's shy or outgoing, if she talks quietly or is really bubbly, etc. Where as I do know what Quorra is like in all of those regards. Granted, almost every actor/actress is at least in some way similar to the roles they portray in their films, but the setting and circumstances are usually completely foreign (especially in this case) to that person in the real world, so who's to say what they are really like? Except obviously the actor/actress themselves and their friends and family. Blah blah blah.
I guess my point is that I fall in love with girls way too easily. To quote my man Jim Carrey in a somewhat popular film of his, "Why do I fall in love with every woman I see that shows me the least bit of attention?" Now Quorra paid no attention to me, Barry, you might say, but really, to draw one into a movie fully, one must have the audience feel like they not only relate to the hero, but that they ARE the hero, or at least on a subconscious level. So, I, you see, was Sam Flynn (lead male) and that means she WAS paying attention to me.
If I am trying to say anything, I guess it is that as a man, I would just like to say to all you ladies out there, and I am being quite honest... as in, seriously, I'm telling the truth, that it really isn't, contrary to popular belief, how large your chest is or how thin your waist is. And I think a lot of guys, even the shallow ones if you could get a serious conversation out of them, would agree with me when I say, that what is really, truly attractive (or unattractive) to us guys, are things like confidence, mannerisms, and I know you won't believe me on this one but I'll say it anyways... personality. Of course these things can vary from man to man, but all I know is that personally, a bunch of cleavage, make-up and short skirts are not what draws my eye... at least, not in any kind of good way. Sheesh. Mid-rifts make me cry.
So just remember, that when the world tells you in every, and I mean EVERY advert that exists in EVERY possible form (TV, magazines, movies, clothing, even radio), that you have to be really, pardon me, slutty, in the way you dress and how you flirt with boys, remember that their goal is lust every time. And any guy worth catching (and I think there are quite a few of them out there) definitely isn't looking for a relationship built on lust, and I know I'm hoping the same goes for girls (otherwise I need to do way more sit-ups). Attractive? Sure. I still believe that being attracted to someone is important. Sue me. But like I said, the girls on beer ads are not attractive to me. They really aren't.
The girls wearing full-body light-suits with big round eyes are...
And big smile just plain kills me every time...