Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Musicexual Frustration

Recently, I have had an epiphany. I will never be a good enough musician to make the kind of music I love.

I mean, maybe if suddenly I won the lottery, and could spend every hour of every day making music, working with expensive producers, and buying all the great equipment, as well as, of course, getting lessons, maybe then I could make something happen, but I have always imagined my favorite musicians as people who started out like me, trying to write songs with nothing but an acoustic guitar in the basement.

I could be wrong though. Maybe all the great ones (my great ones) started out with a band, and finished with a band. Maybe they couldn't write anything good with just the guitar. Maybe they needed input from their friends, the ones they learned their instruments with and always bounced ideas off of. If this is the case, then I am screwed. I know very few musicians that have any interest in actually spending time together playing music, or at least with me. Recently I've tried replacing band members with some nicer equipment, like a drum machine and a loop station, but really, it's not working out so good as of yet. What I really need is a drummer, and a bassist.

So, if you care about me at all, and you know somebody who just sits in their basement once in a while banging their drums or slapping their bass, send them my way. I love music too much to let it go, but I need a band.