Friday, May 6, 2011


Have I mentioned how I have a very unique relationship with tile?

You may know that I currently work in the construction industry doing a little bit of everything.  Included in this little bit of everything is tile work.  Tile fascinates me, and attracts me, more than most other things.  When done properly, tile is almost indestructible!  It holds water out, which is the main point of it most times, it's made of stone, or stone-like material anyway, and the method of constructing a tiled surface is extremely strong, like concrete.

I also love how it looks.  If you can get the funds for it, there are practically no limits as to what you can do with tile, and what it can look like.  I've seen stainless steel plated tiles (about $80/ft), recycled sea glass tiles (starting at $60/ft), and don't get me started on actual stone or granite tiles.  Don't even get me started ($$$/ft).

I am pretty good at putting tile up.  Or down.  Side to side even.  Here's a picture of some work I finished today, but I won't explain or defend myself.

Well maybe I'll defend myself a little.  Those stripes are just covered in tape right now, and I haven't grouted yet, but believe me, it's going to look awesome in a few days.  Tub's going in the hole, and glass walls around the shower.

I don't really know what I want to say about tile, but it's something to do with the fact that even though I love the practicality, look, feel, and durability of tile, I really don't like doing it at all.  Not even a little.  Though I do get a good sense of accomplishment when I finish tiling something.

The bathroom in the picture took me a couple weeks to tile, essentially by myself.  This is the other problem.  I don't know if I'm fast, average, or slow at this stuff.  I'm probably slow.  Who knows?  Somebody does.  I've even been working overtime like crazy trying to get it done in those two weeks.  Last night I dreamt about a few things at once, friends, my nephews, and tiling.  Basically tile has occupied my thoughts for two straight weeks, and now I'm coming out of it slowly.

It's good stuff, but it's hard work with a lot of thinking involved.  I hope someday to have a marriage where the relationship is comparable to tile.  *Hard work, but always extremely rewarding, and very beautiful.



As an attachment to this entry, I would like to say that my old blog, currently has not many more hits than this newer one, but boy are they ever from interesting places!  All over the world actually.  Most of the countries listed are places where I do not know anyone, and my number one fan-base is in... the Netherlands!  Somehow I just need to scooch everyone over to Cello Shredder....

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