Friday, August 5, 2011

Reggie and the Full Effect

It's the name of a band that I liked when I was in jr. high.  For you Americans, that's grades 7, 8, and 9.  10 to 12 are high school for us.  They're not very good, and in fact, I don't know when the album I have was made (it's called "Promotional Copy", pretty creative), and I highly doubt they exist anymore.  They were kind of a punk rock group that usually featured a catchy keyboard riff, but not catchy enough I guess.

I remember my mom getting mad at me when she saw the CD at one point and realized that the first track is called "Bitches get Stitches"  It was just some audio of a guy getting shot by some other guy.  The whole album is a mixture of actual songs, weird joke songs, and weird things that don't make much sense.  I think they're from the East Coast of Canada, but all of this info is not important enough to look up, so don't bother.

I was watching a late night cartoon a long time ago called "Undergrads", which I recently started recording for the nostalgic factor on our PVR a few weeks ago.  It's pretty horrible.  It has it's moments like anything that makes it onto TV at any time slot, but not enough to watch except for the nostalgia factor (I'm going to start calling that the N-F)  On one episode, a certain song was featured, by this band, that sounded good at first (catchy), but now that I'm more than 13 years old, it has been grown out of.  The point is, just hearing a few seconds of it was enough for me to use the inter-web to find out the name of the song/band and by the album.  Remember when that was how you had to find music?  I am too young to remember any other way of finding music, and now there's youtube, so yeah... Remember?

But you know what the funny thing is?  I still like a whole bunch of the songs on that album!  Some of them are catchy, and they are pretty well produced, but honestly, the vocals are horrible, the keyboard/synth is way too simple, and some of the songs are really screamo.

Here is one of the joke songs... or at least I hope it's a joke...  when I was a camp counsellor all those years ago, and shouldn't have been listening to such heathen music, I coun-vinced my head counsellor that as a cabin we could pretend to preform this song, after carefully making sure there aren't any swear words (there aren't any, right?).  Needless to say, it was hilarious, and we were a big hit.

The moral of the story is that the music you listen to between the ages of 12 and 16 will change your life forever.  Not that any of you reading this are in that age range, or, arange, as I like to call it, but maybe keep this in mind when your 12-16 year old kids are listening to old Lady Gaga or Ke$ha, and try to push some actual good music on them, like Pinkerton or at least some Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Even though I quickly grew out of this band, I still like them, and can clearly see that the reasons I still like them, are the same reasons I like the music I like now.  My tastes, though primitive and misunderstood back then, were primarily the exact same tastes that I have now.  Just not well developed enough.  I didn't have enough experience finding good music, so I liked what I heard, you know?

It's like how if you're a few years older than me, you probably really like Fraggle Rock, or whatever the h@#$ that show is, cause I've certainly never seen it.  You love that show, cause you were a kid when you saw it.  If you saw it right now, after reading this, you'd be reminded of how you used to like it, and so, you would smile and realize that you still like it.  Me?  I grew up with Pee-Wee's Big Adventure and The Brave Little Toaster.  Both still good in my opinion.

I will always like the music and movies I heard/saw during those highly influential pimple-filled years of my life, and along with that, no music or movie I ever see/hear ever for the rest of my life will influence me more than those years, no matter how good they are.  It's quite an amazing fact to me.  Kind of like how you will always remember your first kiss, your first car, your first apartment....those years are the first appreciative years.... you never forget them.

Here's a movie that can't be beat in my mind for instance.  Notice how stupid it looks now.  I grew up with this, though since it was rated R, I probably shouldn't have...

Or who knows, maybe Reggie and The Full Effect area actually a really, really good band, and I'm just too hipster these days...

BONUS:  here's some footage of me starting a $200,000 Aston Martin...

... I got to drive it a little in case it's not clear...

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